Sunday, April 26, 2009

Tough Sunday

So today was tough. Zach had to make the announcement to the whole church today that we are leaving. Just to be totally honest, this was one of the hardest things I've sat through in a church. Like I said in my last blog, ministry isn't easy. We were loved on by people who told us how much we meant to them in such a short amount of time. It made me think about our time here. I think that maybe the thing I (me not Zach) really brought to Sunday mornings was freedom in worship.

You see I grew up in a traditional Southern Baptist church. We sang the hymns with the organ and piano and sat and stood depending on what the worship leader asked us to do. Not until I was in college did I ever truly worship. What does that look like? Well I believe to truly worship one has to free themself up to the Holy Spirit. This can't be done by just showing up on Sunday mornings and singing music. You have to be with God throughout the week to really worship.

Now freedom in worship comes when you have been with God throughout the week and you let yourself be taken in with the music. You follow where the Spirit leads you. Whether that means that you raise your hands, clap, dance, just go with it!!!!! There are times when you just know that God wants you to stand and raise your hands as high as you can and sing with all your might, what do you do? Do you sit in your seat? Do you clasp your hands together because you don't want to raise them? What do you do?

What do i do? I try (but don't always suceed) to just go with the Spirit. I dance and raise my hands...I sing without abandon!!!!!!

Today, I was thanked for this. i was thanked for showing some of the people in my church that it is okay to do this no matter who is watching. Because when you boil it all down...who are worshiping for? The people in your church or God Almighty!!! I chose God Almighty!!!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Blog

So I decided to start a new blog.  This one will be dedicated to my ministries and not my daughter.  I am sure that I will post things about Carly here to but if you want to keep up with her then I suggest you see my other blog:  

Let me begin by saying that ministry is not the easiest thing to do.  When Zach and I were dating he told me that he felt called to go into ministry.  I was excited by this.  I loved that he was willing to follow God.  Zach did not immediately go into ministry after we were married.  He worked at a local elementary school while I finished my nursing degree.  Then other things happened.  I guess if I am totally honest I would have to say that he was in ministry, just not full time.  He was a worship leader in our church on the the praise band.

Anyway, long story short, I am now the wife of a full time Worship/Youth Pastor!  So you're probably thinking...great, I bet your life if easy cheesy b/c you serve God.  However, I want to inform you that ministry is not the easiest thing.  God never promised that.  He never said follow me and life will be all berries and cream.  Just look at his disciples and what they had to face.  

So we find ourselves, once again looking at a move.  In the last year we have gone through three of these.  We are desperately trying to follow God at all costs.  We desire to reach the lost for Him and will do "whatever it takes" to do this.  So if that means that we pack up and move...we pack up and move! 

So I know that this blog is a jumble of thoughts and feeling but it is just to introduce you to my crazy jumbled mind.  Now follow me as we start a new adventure for Christ.  Starting May 7th (carly's 2nd birthday) Zach will start his new position as the Worship/Youth Pastor at Washington Avenue Church in Greenville, SC.  We look forward to what God has in store for us there.